WomanSpace logos



The logo I have developed ideals of womanspace in a simple symbolic
design. My colour choices are a tribute to the orginal logo as well as a feminine colour with out being cliche.  I also used 6 circles as a tribute to the six figures in the original logo and 20 proud years of history. I also stated the brightening of the violet gradient suggests empowerment and strength this is also shown though the circles increasing in size as they rise in the image. The circles also subtly suggest unity through their shape and colour and suggest strength through coming together. The ‘W’ in the logo is to stand for womanspace and is shaped to suggest a triumphant empowered figure. The figure has its hands raised in an empowered stance that is also welcoming to suggest equality. Finally the type I choice was Franklin Gothic Medium as a strong empowered font, yet still having feminine qualities from being in Italic.

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